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Complimentary admission to this event was provided. Please note that, as always, any personal opinions reflected in this post are my own and have not been influenced by the sponsor in any way.

I was invited to this event and as much as I really wanted to go I unfortunately could not. Fellow Tristate Bloggers member Krista of The NYC Talon was kind enough to stand in for me. This is a guest post written by Krista. All of the photos are hers and used with permission.

This morning I joined P&G’s Tide, Bounce, and Downy in Grand Central Station’s Vanderbilt Hall to talk sleep (one of my personal favorites) and learn a bit more about their new Sweet Dreams Collection. As a New Yorker (and blogger) living in the city that never sleeps I have to admit getting a full 8 hours is a challenge. Since I’m always on the go, it’s hard for me to wind down and relax. Well, P&G’s Sweet Dreams Collection is designed with sleep in mind!

 P&G Downy Sweet Dreams collection

I loved the setup – it reminded me so much of A Midsummer Night’s Dream! It was really beautiful and line smells fantastic – soft and comforting, I love it!

P&G Downy Sweet Dreams collection

Dr. Ian Smith spoke to us about the importance of a good night’s sleep and how it affects everything from our productivity to our happiness and even our BMI. He suggests turning off all electronic devices at least half an hour before going to bed – he says it’s one of a few simple solutions for jumpstarting sleep’s restorative process.

P&G Downy Sweet Dreams collection

He and lifestyle expert and mom, Jeannette Kaplun, both agree that another simple but effective solution for getting the most out of your slumber is creating an ideal sleep environment – which means washing your bed linens with clean relaxing scents, like the one’s found in the Sweet Dreams Collection.

P&G Downy Sweet Dreams collection

The Sweet Dreams Collection includes Tide plus a touch of Downy Sweet Dreams, Downy Unstopables Dreams, Downy Infusion Sweet Dreams, and Bounce Sweet Dreams. Right now you can begin your bedtime routine in the laundry room and make a commitment to a better sleep routine by taking the “Tuck in. Turn off.” Pledge here!

Do you have problems falling asleep? Please leave a comment!


Downy website ~ Downy on Facebook ~ Downy on Twitter

Tide website ~ Tide on Facebook ~ Tide on Twitter

Bounce website ~ Bounce on Facebook

Procter & Gamble website ~ Procter & Gamble on Facebook ~ Procter & Gamble on Twitter


  1. I have terrible issues with sleep. I sleep like a baby – 2 hours here, 2 hours there. It’s starting to get better since I discovered a white noise app for my phone, but still – it would be nice to sleep on my own!

  2. I am guilty of always doing “one more thing.” Before I leave for work in the morning and definitely before I go to bed at night which is usually why I don’t get enough rest.

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