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barbie landmark dolls
The Statue of Liberty Barbie doll is part of the new Landmark dolls line, a brand new line extension from the Barbie Dolls of the World collection. The Landmark dolls are inspired by some of the world’s most famous landmarks, including the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower – giving Barbie collectors and travelers alike an opportunity to get a taste of the cities and countries each landmark represents.
In honor of Independence Day this weekend, I am offering a giveaway of the Statue of Liberty Barbie dolls. The Statue of Liberty Barbie® Doll celebrates New York City, best known for the landmark that rises above the city’s eclectic skyline — the Statue of Liberty. Dressed in a turquoise gown featuring an iconic Statue of Liberty illustration, a copper crown and a torch on her shoulder, Barbie® doll captures the style and glamour of the city she represents.
statue of liberty doll
ONE winner will receive a Statue Of Liberty Barbie Doll.
To enter leave a comment on this post telling me another landmark you think would make a great Barbie doll.
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1 – Blog about this giveaway, including a link here.
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1 – Visit one (or more) of my other blogs – From Val’s Kitchen, Game Review Network and Val’s Views – and leave a comment on any post there. Then return here and leave a comment on this post telling me one thing you read or learned there. (That’s two comments you need to leave for this bonus entry, one there and one here.) Unlimited entries for this method of entry.
1 – Visit HereAndThere.US (my Mom) and leave a comment on any post (except a giveaway post) there. Then return here and leave a comment on this post telling me one thing you read or learned on my Mom’s blog. (That’s two comments you need to leave for this bonus entry, one there and one here.) Unlimited entries for this method of entry. Leave an additional comment for each entry you qualify for. You must have completed the first entry according to the instructions to be eligible for any bonus entries.
US addresses only please, no PO Boxes. This contest will end on Friday 07/16/10 at 11:59 pm est. If you’ve entered any of my giveaways before then you know that only comments containing all of the requested information will be eligible for entry. The winner must contact me to confirm they wish to receive the prize within two days of my email notifying them they’ve won. Good luck to everyone!