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Sometimes we get so busy in our daily lives that we find we’ve spent less quality time with our family members than we would like. Until a couple of years ago there were times that all four of us could not end up in the same room at the same time on any given day. On most school days TJ can be found doing homework, participating in sports, playing with friends or whatever. After work I’m always doing something, like most other working moms. Hubby works and gets home late. It used to be that dinner in my house was served in two or three shifts. One shift for me and CJ. Another shift for TJ when he came in from playing with his friends. Yet another shift for RB when he got home from work at 7-7:30. After deciding that we needed to spend more time together I decided we’d all eat dinner together every night possible. Unless hubby calls and tells me he’s running super late, we all wait to eat dinner until he gets home now. We may not eat as early as some families on the nights we wait but we’re eating together and spending time together. Noone is allowed to leave the table early. Now we all get a little time together to discuss the day or whatever else is on our mind. I think it’s been good for us.
In order to promote the many different benefits of family meals, Libby’s announced that September is “Get Back To The Table” month. Libby’s has put together a website detailing the importance of regular family meals. Numerous studies have found that children that eat dinner with their family have higher grades, eat healthier, are more confident and are less likely to experiment with smoking, drinking and drugs. The site also offers recipes, grocery suggestions, shopping tips, dinner planning tools and money saving ideas. There’s even a coupon available to use with the purchase of Libby’s canned veggies. You know the ones – Libby Libby Libby, on the label label label, you will like it like it like it, on your table table table. I don’t think I mentioned there’s currently a contest going on now on the site. One lucky winner will get a trip to a Sara Evans concert and dinner with Sara and her family.
Thanks to Libby’s and Mom Central I have a copy of Sara Evans Greatest Hits CD to give away to one winner. To enter visit the Libby’s Get Back To The Table website and take a look around. Be sure to look at the recipes page. Come back here and leave a comment on this post telling me what CANvenient recipe you’d like to try. Contest ends Monday 09/22/08 at 11:59 pm est. To be eligible comments must contain the information requested. US addresses only please. Good luck to all who enter.